

1. 產品信息:本平台上提供的所有產品信息,包括但不限於價格、規格、庫存狀況等,僅供參考。


Product Information: All product information provided on this platform, including but not limited to prices, specifications, and stock availability, is for reference only.

We strive to ensure the accuracy of the information, but we cannot guarantee that all information is entirely accurate and up-to-date. Please verify the latest offers before making a purchase.


2. 交易風險:在使用本平台進行交易時,請謹慎評估風險。


Transaction Risks: When conducting transactions on this platform, please carefully assess the risks.

We are not responsible for your transactional activities or outcomes with other users, including but not limited to product quality, delivery issues, returns, and exchanges.


3. 第三方連結:本平台可能包含指向第三方網站的連結,這些連結僅為方便用戶,並不構成對該第三方網站的認可或推薦。


Third-Party Links: This platform may contain links to third-party websites, provided for user convenience and does not imply endorsement or recommendation of the third-party websites.

We do not assume any responsibility for the content and security of these websites.


4. 使用限制:您在使用本平台時需遵守相關法律法規,不得從事非法或侵害他人權益的行為。


Usage Restrictions: You must comply with relevant laws and regulations when using this platform and refrain from engaging in illegal or rights-infringing activities.

We will not be held liable for any losses or legal liabilities resulting from your use.


5. 服務中斷:由於技術故障、維護或其他不可抗力因素,本平台的服務可能會中斷。


Service Interruptions: Due to technical malfunctions, maintenance, or other force majeure factors, the services on this platform may experience interruptions.

We will make efforts to promptly resolve the issues, but we do not guarantee continuous availability.


6. 免責範圍:除非法律另有規定,我們不對因使用本平台而產生的直接或間接損失負責,包括但不限於利潤損失、商譽損失、資料損失等。

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise mandated by law, we are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses incurred as a result of using this platform, including but not limited to profit loss, reputation damage, data loss, etc.




